Isaiah says that God’s servant will suffer

An EasyEnglish Story Unit (AEE) from our series ‘Isaiah Looks Forward’

Elaine Young


Isaiah says that God’s servant will suffer


Isaiah was a man who lived about 700 years before Jesus.

Isaiah wrote a book.

God helped Isaiah to write his book.

The book was about what God would do in the future.

In his book Isaiah wrote:


People hated God’s servant.

They refused to believe God’s servant.

They refused to accept God’s servant.

God’s servant knew what sadness felt like.

God’s servant knew the pain of suffering.

People looked the other way.

They hated him and we didn’t care.


We thought God was punishing him.

But his punishment brought us peace.

His pain healed us.

We have all done wrong things.

We have all gone our own way.

We did wrong but he was punished.

God punished him instead of us.


The servant did not complain about his sufferings.

A lamb does not complain about its sufferings.

A sheep does not complain about its sufferings.

So God’s servant did not complain about his sufferings.






Later in the Bible a man called Peter wrote:


Jesus suffered for your benefit.

He was an example for you.

He wants you to follow his example.

He did nothing wrong.

He never told a lie.

He never cheated anyone.


People insulted Jesus.

He did not answer them back.

People made Jesus suffer.

He did not hurt them back.

Instead he trusted God.

God always makes fair decisions.


Jesus died on a cross made from a tree.

We have all done wrong things.

Jesus had done nothing wrong.

He accepted responsibility for our wrong actions.

We will not be punished now for our wrong actions.

Instead God sees us as clean people.

We are not his enemies.

Jesus’ pain has healed us.


Isaiah had said that God’s servant would suffer.

Isaiah had said that God’s servant would not complain.

Isaiah had said that God’s servant would be punished instead of us.

All that Isaiah had promised came true in Jesus.



Isaiah 53:3-7

1 Peter 2:21-24


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© 1997-2006, Wycliffe Associates (UK)

This publication is written in Accessible EasyEnglish.

December 2006

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